From the course: HR Leadership as We Move Back into the Office

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Building adaptability, agility, and resiliency

Building adaptability, agility, and resiliency

From the course: HR Leadership as We Move Back into the Office

Building adaptability, agility, and resiliency

- When you think about the craziness that's happening in the world, three attributes come to mind. We need to be adaptive to survive and thrive. We need to be agile, so we see the signals and we know when to make the moves when they're necessary. And we need to be resilient, get some grit with it. Because sometimes you're going to stay on the path, even when it's uncomfortable to see it out and see is it time to make a shift. This past year with the social injustice, with the pandemic, with the strain in human dynamics happening throughout the globe, those three attributes are huge. Now they're huge in business to begin with, think about it. You're launching a product you're going to see if there's fit in the product in the market and the customer base. You can get feedback, you can adapt that product or service to fit the market niche. You're going to hire your talent and you're going to like heads down get…
