From the course: How to Make Creative Thinking a Habit

Use AI to inspire and amplify creative thinking

From the course: How to Make Creative Thinking a Habit

Use AI to inspire and amplify creative thinking

- How do you feel about AI? Scared of it? Embracing it? Or is the judgment still out? Well, artificial intelligence platforms like ChatGPT will continue to become more commonplace. There are definitely challenges such as how do we leverage existing people's work while giving the people who originated the idea their due credit? How do we ensure ethics and accountability? Is our imagination under threat with this injection of generative artificial intelligence? Here are three ways you could use AI applications as a co-pilot for your work and not as the pilot. Number one, AI is a collaborator to spark our imagination. Whatever apps like ChatGPT turnout are only the starting place. Use the output from AI to get you started on a writing project, not as your complete and finished writing project. Number two, AI can be a catalyst to help us learn to ask better questions. With ChatGPT questions are the inputs, so you still have to be excellent at question framing. For example, if you're trying to use ChatGPT as a starting point to write a social media post, your answers will be richer if your question prompt is what's a social media post for LinkedIn, that will target CFOs who need help adding in soft skills to their repertoire versus what's a social media post that targets people who work in accounting? Number three, integrity remains supreme. You must be diligent about doing your background research. As of this time ChatGPT's training date is only through 2021, so definitely do not try to write your next book only using ChatGPT. I actually wrote an article about these ideas for Fast Company Magazine. You should check it out. So go forth and use AI with your integrity in place and your critical thinking raring to go. Then it can be an asset to spark your creative thinking.
