From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

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The digital marketing and sales funnel

The digital marketing and sales funnel

From the course: Growth Marketing Foundations

The digital marketing and sales funnel

- The marketing funnel outlines the fundamental stages of a consumer's journey and is always demonstrated with segmentation. And the most traditional funnel follows these stages: awareness, interest, desire, and action. At the top is awareness. A prospect has to become aware of two things: their problem and your solution. And it's in this stage that your brand is exposed to the prospect, alongside your competitors. Below awareness, we have interest. At this stage, a consumer begins to explore the products or services available to them. Next, we have desire, which we can also call consideration. It's here that the prospect wants to make a purchase, but it may or may not be with your brand. They're in the final stages of evaluating whether or not to commit. And finally, action. They're either going to buy, or they're not. They may select your company, another company, or, based on their findings, decide they're not making…
