Daripada kursus: Graphic Design Foundations: Color

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Weaving textural color

Weaving textural color

- It's one thing to talk about something, another to actually do it. Making textural colors and balancing textures against areas of quiet is worth reviewing and seeing for yourself. I'll demonstrate with materials I have here in the studio a variety of ways to make textures that can be replicated in Photoshop and can be scanned and saved as your own textural colors. We'll start with watercolor and contrast a smooth gradient against the surface using Kosher salt and sponges. It can easily be moved and removed given its flexible nature. Gouache is another water-based medium that, in this case, we'll play with on a tone paper ground. It has the properties of being laid down in a very flat method, or, as a thin, clear string of color. The mark is very consistent and clean. Acrylic paint is also water-based and a very flexible medium, as it was invented to mimic many of the properties of oils. It can be laid down in a smooth tone, much like watercolor and gouache, and can be used as a…
