From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Color

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Connecting contrast with content

Connecting contrast with content

- Establishing a hierarchy of contrast is not only useful in directing the viewers eyes but more importantly, can be used to direct their mind. Conveying content, now that is real power. Content is the meaning or significance of a literary or artistic work. The information or expression being communicated. With that in mind, let's see how it plays out with typography and photographic imagery. Here are a few design examples to demonstrate that a hierarchy of contrast exists in all types of images. The examples provided are from San Francisco design studio, the Hydrilla. Let's start with this poster. A truly excellent piece utilizing a hierarchy of value in its design. The viewer's eye is naturally drawn to the highest area of contrast: the white mask against the black coat and hair and is directed by a use of directional pointer, in this case, the nose. We follow the contrast along the nose of the mask, taking in the general silhouette of the figure, and are directed towards the next…
