From the course: Google Cloud Platform for Enterprise Essential Training

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Terraform on GCP

Terraform on GCP

- [Instructor] I've been doing a lot of work with my customers to set up cloud-native CI/CD, or continuous integration and continuous deployment, on GCP. And kind of the state-of-the-art is to use the Terraform infrastructure. Terraform is a subject all in of its own, it is a set of platforms and libraries that allows you to have your cloud infrastructure deployed in code, which you check in .tf files, basically. It can be implemented on GCP or other cloud platforms. So it's very, very popular. A shift that Google Cloud has been making is to migrate its deployment languages and examples to Terraform. And so, first of all, I would recommend that, for production-level deployments, your enterprise adopts Terraform. To get a sense of what a CI/CD scenario looks like, I'm going to review, but not implement, because it would take a couple hours, probably, to set up and explain properly. As homework, for those of you that are…
