From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

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Create responsive search ads

Create responsive search ads - Adwords Tutorial

From the course: Google Ads Essential Training

Create responsive search ads

- [Instructor] After you've configured an ad group, it's time to create an ad. Now, Google is automatically going to generate an ad using all of the information it's gathered from your keywords and your website, and you'll be able to modify it, or simply create one from scratch. From within the campaign wizard, I'm going to select the ad that's been created by selecting the pencil icon to edit it when I hover over that advertisement. It's here that we're in the ad creation wizard for our responsive search ads. Now, all text ads in Google are going to be responsive ads. So the first thing that we see on the right-hand side is a preview of what we'll be creating. And there is also a toggle in the upper right-hand corner to switch from mobile preview, which is selected as it's highlighted in blue, to desktop preview, which I'll select, and it will show us what that ad might look like. Now, the arrow icons at the top allow us…
