From the course: GitOps Foundations

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Terraform overview

Terraform overview - Git Tutorial

From the course: GitOps Foundations

Terraform overview

- [Instructor] Terraform is a tool that uses a GitOps approach to provision infrastructure. Using Terraform, we can provision infrastructure like managed Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines within major cloud platforms. The tool fits well with GitOps because it uses a declarative language known as HashiCorp configuration language. We can use this language to describe the desired state of our systems infrastructure. Let's take a peek at how Terraform works at a high level. When using Terraform, the systems infrastructure is described with Terraform configuration files that are placed inside of a Terraform workspace. Within the files, declarative infrastructure code defines the resources that represent infrastructure objects to provision inside of the cloud platform. Following GitOps principles, these files should be stored in Git because they represent the desired state of the systems infrastructure. To achieve the…
