From the course: Getting Started with Azure DevOps for Non-Programmers

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Exploring the Azure DevOps dashboard

Exploring the Azure DevOps dashboard

- [Instructor] Now, we'll take a tour of the Azure DevOps dashboard. The dashboard is the hub for managing your software projects and collaborating with your team. So let's start by looking at the main navigation items that you'll find on the left-hand side. First of all, we have Overview. The overview tries to summarize all your projects in one place. On the left, under the word Overview, you see we have Summary, Dashboards, and Wiki. For some people, there might be 10 or more projects in the summary. For us, we can just see the one, which is this LIL, for LinkedIn Learning. In the Dashboard section, you can build reports effectively, and we'll spend some time on this later, how you can drag and drop different visuals and tables into these dashboards. And then we have the wiki. The wiki is really useful. One of the downsides of agile project management is you have lots of little pieces of work, and when they're…
