From the course: Getting Started as a LinkedIn Learning Hub Admin

Upload and integrate third-party content - LinkedIn Learning Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started as a LinkedIn Learning Hub Admin

Upload and integrate third-party content

- [Instructor] LinkedIn Learning Hub allows you to integrate learning content from your other sources into the platform, so they're all together in one place. Now, in this video, I'll take a look at how to integrate third party content into the Learning Hub platform. First I'm going to navigate to my settings. I'll go up to the Me icon, and then underneath Account Settings, I'll select Integrate. From this page, on the far left, I want to select Add Content Partners to LinkedIn Learning. This will show me the different content partners that they have. Things like getAbstract, edX, Coursera, and more. If you don't see yours here, you can click below to find out more on how to connect yours. Now in this case, I can see that we already have a couple content providers connected, O'Reilly and Codecademy, but our company has a license to getAbstract as well, and I want to integrate that into LinkedIn Learning. So let's take a look at how to do that. I'm going to come down here and I'll click on getAbstract. It brings up this pop-up box where I can first enter a name for the license, and then next I need the client ID and client secret. So you will need the API and the password information for your third party content provider in order to integrate it, obviously. I'm going to go ahead and enter mine in here. Once I have those paste in there, I can decide on who the content is visible to. I can enable this for all learners or enable for certain groups. Now, I think a best practice for this is to enable it for certain groups and to set up a group of people that have licenses or subscriptions to that third party content. Now I've done that already, so I'll go down here and type in a group, getAbstract. You can see here it shows up, getAbstract Subscriptions. I'll click on that and now I'm done. And in the bottom right, I'll click on Save. It is setting up my license. And I see here that it says we'll send you an email when your content is available. It can take up to 48 hours, so it was successful. I'll click Okay, got it. Now remember that the getAbstract content will now be inside of my LinkedIn Learning account. However, it may take up to that 48 hours. If I go up to the top and I just start searching for content, I'll go management again. I'll type that in and I'll search for a topic like leadership. I'll hit Enter. And when I do this, on the left-hand side now, you can see the different content sources. Here we have LinkedIn Learning with 24,000 pieces of content, but we also have that O'Reilly and Codecademy, ones that we already had integrated. Note that getAbstract doesn't show up here yet, but that's because it hasn't been 48 hours. In a couple days, getAbstract will be in here and we'll be able to narrow that down and find all of the content from getAbstract right inside of here. Finally, I recommend checking out the Customer Success Center to learn more about integrations. Here under Product Learning, I can go to Integrations, and you'll find a lot more here. So take advantage of this. Don't underestimate the power of integrating all of your content into one place. It makes for a much better learning experience for everyone.
