From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

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Overview of publishing

Overview of publishing - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

Overview of publishing

- [Voiceover] After you've recorded and edited your podcast and you've converted it to an MP3, which we'll look at how to do shortly, your work still isn't quite done. Yes, you could post your MP3 online for people to download, but unless they can subscribe to your show instead of visiting your website or blog or Facebook page themselves to see if you've added a new episode, it's not technically a podcast. In this video, I want to give you a brief overview of the steps you'll go through to publish your podcast. So let's start by talking about the elements that make up your podcast. The first thing you'll need is your media file. Most commonly your audio podcast is going to be in the MP3 format. It's still the most commonly used format for audio files. You can use other formats as well like WAV files, but the point is before you can publish a podcast, you obviously need something to publish. For now we'll continue to assume that we're using an MP3. Next you'll need to find a hosting…
