From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

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Develop your show's format

Develop your show's format - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

Develop your show's format

- [Voiceover] The next step in developing your podcast is to solidify your show's format. By format, I mean the basic structure and presentation of your show. Even though podcasts are often compared to radio shows, you don't necessarily have to follow that sort of format. A podcast doesn't have to sound like a radio show by following the rules of music interspersed with talking. You can use a podcast to communicate up to date information to your sales force, or to provide verbal notes on your latest research to your colleagues, which can be great for people who don't like to type, or create an audio walking tour of your backyard for visitors, or anything else you can come up with. The main thing is to make the strengths of the podcast format work for you. Whatever you develop however, it's important to stick to your format once you've established it. You want to make it seem as though each episode of your show is part of a larger body of work. Listeners like consistency, and they'll…
