From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

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Configure GarageBand's I/O settings

Configure GarageBand's I/O settings - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting

Configure GarageBand's I/O settings

- [Voiceover] Okay, so we've talked about the necessary things you'll need to record your podcast including microphones, audio input devices and headphones. Once you have all of your gear ready to go you'll need to set up Garageband to record and play back through your gear. First you want to make sure your microphone is plugged into your audio input device and that your audio input device is plugged into a USB port on your Mac. Or, if you're using a USB mic, you can plug it directly into your Mac. Then make sure your headphones are plugged into your Mac's headphone jack or into your audio input device's headphone jack, if there is one. Once those items are connected, you can start up GarageBand. If a project you previous worked on opens up go ahead and close it, so you end up here on the new project screen. Next, expand the Details section here at the bottom of the window. This is where you can find the menus to configure GarageBand's input and output settings. If it's not already…
