From the course: GarageBand for iPad Essential Training

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Work in Tracks view

Work in Tracks view

- [Instructor] We've already had a glimpse of GarageBand's track view, but since we'll be spending a lot of time in it later on, I wanted to make sure we cover it's basic interface elements here too when it's on movie. So I tap the track view button. As I mentioned before, this is where each individual track you record will appear. Eventually the space will be filled with audio regions on each track. You always start off with at least one track. You add new tracks by tapping the plus button here in the lower left hand corner. This prompts you to choose an instrument for the new track. I'll pick the smart strings for this example. And now when I switch back to the track view, you can see I now have two tracks. The smart bass and the smart strings. Depending on how you prefer to work, you may want to create all or most of your tracks first and then go back and record onto them. Or you may want to create tracks one at a time…
