From the course: GarageBand for iPad Essential Training

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Play the Smart Piano

Play the Smart Piano

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at the smart piano, which really should be called the smart keyboard, because you can choose from all the different keyboards available in garage band, including piano, organ, and all of the different synthesizers. So here in the instrument browser, I'll tap smart piano under the keyboard section. We'll keep piano selected for now, but again, you can get to all of the other keyboards from here. If you watched the previous movie on the smart guitar, the smart keyboard should look similar. Instead of piano keys, we see these eight chord strips, and again, these chords are based on the key of your song and are considered the most useful chords to have access to in that key. You can see each court strip is divided into eight sections, the gray sections at the bottom of the strip play single bass notes. For example, the bottom three notes of the C chord are the low C, the G, and the C…
