From the course: GarageBand for iPad Essential Training

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Mix in GarageBand

Mix in GarageBand

- [Instructor] Once you have all the tracks recorded for your song and all the sections arranged the way you like, it's time to mix your song. Now mixing involves several different aspects including setting the levels of each track, setting each track's position in the stereo field, adding effects and a lot more. Now in all honesty, you're not going to find too much in terms of tools and options for mixing in the iPad version of GarageBand. You'll get a lot more control out of a professional level audio application or even on the Mac version of GarageBand. But you will find that, especially if you've been recording with the built in instruments or the Apple loops as we have here with the electric piano and the drum kits and even the built-in guitar amps, that these sounds have been professionally engineered and recorded already. So they're going to sound pretty good right out of the box. So let's take a couple of…
