From the course: GarageBand Essential Training

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Use the master track

Use the master track

- [Instructor] Once you have set all the levels, panning, and effects for your individual tracks, you're gonna wanna take some time to work with your song's master track. The master track allows you to work with the overall volume, effects, and pitch of the song as a whole. Think of the master track as the track through which all the sounds from all the other tracks go before hitting your speakers. So basically, anything that you do to the master track affects the sound of the final mix. This is basically your chance to give your song one last coat of polish before sending it off into the world. To view the master track, we go to the Track menu and choose Show Master Track. And it appears down here at the bottom, and that's its permanent location. It can't be moved around like you can do with regular tracks. The master track looks like the other tracks, but notice it doesn't have mute or solo buttons. It does have a lock button if you have it enabled, and you can also automate the…
