From the course: GarageBand Essential Training

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Edit software tracks

Edit software tracks

- [Instructor] As I've been mentioning throughout this chapter, the beauty of recording software instruments is that you're free to go in and fix your performance in terms of timing or the notes you played, after you've made your recording. Let's select the Bass track and as we previously saw, with the MIDI region selected when I open up the Editor pane, I'll see the notes I played represented as little horizontal dots and dashes. The editor pane is where you can work the magic that turns a shaky performance into a nearly flawless masterpiece, now don't feel like you're cheating if you go in and clean up your music. There's definitely something to be said for being able to play a whole piano part or a rhythm guitar line all the way through with no mistakes. But this rarely happens. Even the music you hear on the radio by professional musicians and vocalists has been edited, chopped up and created out of multiple takes. Depending on your own personal philosophy, you might think there's…
