From the course: GarageBand Essential Training

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Create a click track

Create a click track

- [Instructor] One of my biggest pet peeves with GarageBand, and this is something I've been wishing they'd improve since the first version, is that as you're recording your tracks it can become increasingly difficult to hear the metronome. Now as we've heard the metronome in GarageBand sounds like this, (clicking) so first of all it's not the most distinct sound and secondly, there's no way to adjust its volume up or down. It can be really hard to hear this short clicking sound when you're recording a loud instrument like drums or guitar. So what I'd like to show you here is how to create your own loop that you can use as a metronome, also known as a click track. To start with we wanna find a sound or sounds that will be easy to hear over the music you're recording. With a softer track selected, I'm gonna open up the library, go into drum kits and I'll just choose a drum kit here. Now I still have my MIDI keyboard connected to my Mac so now I can start searching for sounds to use for…
