From the course: Gamification for Interactive Learning

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Understand the progression loop

Understand the progression loop

- A series of engagement loops, one followed after another, leads to what is called a progression loop, or sometimes it's even called the player's journey. The player's journey or the progression loop is the progress through the entire gamified experience accomplished through a set of intermediate steps. Rather than a player going directly to the end of the gamified experience, she encounters a series of smaller steps or obstacles that are overcome on the way to the major obstacle or objective of the experience. Often, moving through the progression loop becomes increasingly difficult and demanding as the learner moves toward the end of the gamified experience. Progression loops consist of a series of engagement or feedback loops. But if the gamified system only had one type of engagement loop, the learner or player would be doing the same thing over and over again. It would lead to boredom, so progression loops typically do two things. One, they introduce new stimulus or changes into…
