Dans le cours : Gamification for Interactive Learning

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- Progression-based gamification is when answering questions advances a learner toward a game type goal, such as climb to the top of the mountain, or be the first one around the race track, or unlock the final level. Progression-Based Gamification is about displaying to the learner progress, based on her mastery of desired knowledge, skills, or behaviors. In progression-based gamification the questions are related to the content, as the learner correctly answers those questions, they make progress toward the goal of the gamified experience. Such as taking the checkered flag, or winning a race. The idea of climbing to the top of a mountain, or winning a race are shells into which the content to be learned is placed. Typically if a learner gets a question wrong, she will receive feedback within that experience so that the next time the question is encountered, it can be answered correctly. For example, a learner may be asked to answer questions to move a character up a mountain, along…

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