From the course: Gamification for Interactive Learning

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Overview of content gamification

Overview of content gamification

- [Instructor] Content gamification is the application of game dynamics, mechanics, and elements to alter instructional content itself to make the content more game-like. It can be thought of as the application of game thinking to instructional content. Examples of content gamification might be adding story elements to a compliance course, or starting a class with a challenge instead of a list of objectives, or adding a character to narrate an online course. Adding these elements makes the content more game-like, but doesn't turn the content into a game. It simply provides a context, and takes the activities typically found in games, and adds them to the content being taught. This definition views gamification as a design affordance, meaning a great deal of design goes into the making of the content. In fact, if a designer adds a large number of game elements and/or mechanics, content gamification can actually shift into a learning or serious game. At the outer edge of the definitions…
