From the course: Gamification for Interactive Learning

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Engage different interests of learners

Engage different interests of learners

From the course: Gamification for Interactive Learning

Engage different interests of learners

- Activity and engagement drive gamification, but different learners often like different types of activities, so it's important to have multiple activities within a single gamified environment. This will help ensure that at least one of the activities will appeal to each learner. Let's look at a few of the more universal activities. Adding a combination of these activities will help appeal to the broadest group of learners. Humans are social creatures, and socializing should be an activity that surrounds any gamified learning experience. In fact, the social aspect of gamification is hard to avoid. Even if social elements are not built in to the gamification platform itself, learners will talk about their experiences with coworkers or fellow students, or even write about it on social media. Social interactions help learning because socializing encourages discussion, clarification, and verification of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned. Allowing learners to converse and interact…
