From the course: Foundations of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

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Course and content structure and organization

Course and content structure and organization

From the course: Foundations of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Course and content structure and organization

- [Instructor] Another feature that you should consider when deciding on an LMS is how the platform and its courses and content are organized. Inside of my canvas account for example, you'll see that it has a format more relevant to an academic setting in which I have modules, which each contain the content inside. So over here, I'll click on modules and you'll notice that it's set up in these units that students could access. So this is obviously more of an academic type format. Now, if I click on Module up here, I have a communication fundamentals course. And if I scroll down, you'll notice here, I have these different sections. So communication fundamentals with all of the relevant content inside. Then crafting a message, which is currently hidden from the learners or students with all of the content inside. So this is a format that could be used in an academic setting or even a corporate training setting. And then…
