From the course: Foundations of Accessible Elearning

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Motor function

Motor function

- [Instructor] There are a wide range of disabilities and impairments related to motor function, which can act as obstacles to people accessing learning resources. Examples of these include paralysis, lost or damaged limbs, disorders such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and others, arthritis, as well as physical injuries, which may be longterm or short term. Now, obviously the accommodations that will be needed is specific to the type of impairment. These impairments may prevent someone from being able to write out responses or effectively use a computer keyboard or mouse. It's important to keep this in mind when you're creating resources, both physical and digital, and understand that certain accommodations may be required. Examples of some of these accommodations include speech-to-text software, where someone can type by speaking or voice recognition software for navigating the internet based on…
