From the course: Foundations of Accessible Elearning

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Adding captions and transcripts for video content

Adding captions and transcripts for video content

From the course: Foundations of Accessible Elearning

Adding captions and transcripts for video content

- [Instructor] Whenever you're creating video content, I strongly suggest that you add captions and create a transcript. This will make your learning accessible to people who are unable to hear. And it will also help out a lot of people who would benefit from following along with the words during the video. Transcripts can be great to follow along during or even to review after. Right now, I'm inside of LinkedIn Learning. And remember here that we can turn on or off the closed captions. Also, we can go down to the bottom, click on transcript and access the transcript for this video. Right here is all the words said in this video. So how can we create those? Well first, I'm going to go over to YouTube. And I think it's a good idea to host your videos on a platform that will allow you to easily create both captions and transcripts. Now, YouTube does that. And when you upload a video, sometimes, it will automatically…
