From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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Which job?

Which job?

- The all important question is what is the ideal job for you? And that's a really difficult question. Years ago, in fact I've done this twice in my life now, but the first time was at school, there was a computer program that I did and it was supposed to work out what the ideal job for us all was, and mine said it should be a landscape architect, and I remember thinking, what is that. Looking back I think I might've quite enjoyed being a landscape architect, but it's quite a random thing the computer came out with. And then I did it again quite recently, I was at Bournemouth University and they had some software for the students there and I fed myself into that and it said join the army, and I'm just thinking that would've been the worst job for me. It didn't ask about discipline, how do I respond when people tell me what to do, and that one thing would've meant that joining the army would've been a disaster.…
