From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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"What do you do in your spare time?"

"What do you do in your spare time?"

- Now a bit of a curve ball question you might get about yourself is, "What do you like to do in your spare time?" Now clearly, we need to have something prepared. And I've mentioned earlier on, that you don't want to have things that are going to worry them. So the first thing is, don't lie. Because if you say reading, they might say, "What are you reading at the moment?" and then you'll be a bit stuck, or they might say, "What's your favorite book?". When I interview sales people, I like to say, "What's your favorite sales book?" and that nearly always floors them. A really good one would say, "Well I've got several books I love. "I think this is probably my favorite." And they'd tell me all about the books they've read. But if you're going to say reading, you need to make sure you've got a good answer ready. So ideally you prepare an answer for this, what you do in your spare time, that shows teamwork, also a…
