From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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Tips on giving interview presentations

Tips on giving interview presentations

- So they've asked you to do probably a 10 minute presentation. It might be followed by some questions as well. What would be my tips to make sure this presentation is great? And I've got eight quick ideas. As I mentioned, I have done a whole training course on presentation skills, and I would recommend having a look at that as well. But if I could have just four or five minutes to give you my top eight tips, this is what they would be. First of all, stand up to give your presentation. You must do that, even if there's only one interviewer there, or two. It may feel a bit weird to stand up, but I think your absolutely must do that. You can use the visual aid as an excuse. You can sort of point, you know, stand up and point to the slides or whatever, but you must stand up. Your brain works better. You've got more authority. Your voice sounds better. You show respect to the audience. You must stand up to give…
