From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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- Now I mentioned this briefly earlier, but it's so important I want to do a separate video to say keep your CV short. There's just nothing worse than a long CV, it looks really high maintenance and really arrogant so keep your CV down to only one page. Delete everything that's not relevant to the particular job, anything that's not an impressive achievement has got to go. The CV sifting person, whoever it is, will only spend 10 seconds on each part of your CV, in fact they might spend only 10 seconds on the whole CV, so if you've got something in there that's not great there is a risk they'll see that and bin it. So everything that's not great has got to go. And you don't know which bits they're going to read, so the risk is they might read the least good bit, so the shorter it is, if you get rid of everything that's not great, the chances are they'll read a couple of bits and think yeah this person looks good…
