From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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Influencing skills: Being liked

Influencing skills: Being liked

- Interviews are all about influencing skills really. The key is to persuade the person that you are the best one for the job, and that means you need to be liked. Even if you're great in terms of your technical ability, they're not going to give you the job unless they like you. Right or wrong, that's how it is. So we need to be liked, and I've got five suggestions here which will help you to be liked when you're being interviewed. So the first one is make them feel important. We like people who make us feel important. And the best way to make somebody feel important is to prepare all about them and the company. I've already talked about that but that is really, really key. And I don't think it's creepy to show that you've prepared. If you say, "I've had a quick look at you on LinkedIn. "I must say, you've had a really impressive career." That's absolutely great, why not? And that takes me to the second one which is…
