From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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So we're nearly interview itself. But when you arrive, there are some things you need to know when you first arrive at the organization. And before you get to the interview itself. So first of all, clean your car, turn up in a nice smart car, they probably won't notice your car, obviously, you may not be arriving by car at all, but if you are, make sure that it looks really nice and clean, because they might judge you by that and we just don't want any reason to be rejected. Secondly, be really, really, really early so that you won't be late. So if you think it's going to take 15 minutes, allow an hour at least and you can always sit around the corner and read a book or have one more look through your CV, but just do not be late. Because you know if you're just one minute late for that interview, or even if you arrive exactly on time, then you're going to think well you know this person is a bit sloppy, doesn't plan…
