From the course: Facilities Management: Returning to the Workplace

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Options for creating new spaces

Options for creating new spaces

- Considering our discussions so far, if you're going to need to reconfigure and possibly create new spaces, it will obviously take some planning and some money. One of the big questions being asked by many managers is, how much of my budget do I want to spend on the unknown? And that's a fair question given the fact that most of us are really not sure how permanent any of these changes will be. One option, is always to bring in construction crews to do new tenant improvements, rip out the old space and build new space. The challenge here is that this is somewhat permanent, it can be costly and in many places, labor materials for construction are expensive, they're in high demand, and in short supply right now. So another option is to go the modular route. Now there have been some modular options out there for a while with the typical office cubicle arrangement being a simple example, but lately I've been seeing some new…
