From the course: Facilities Management: Returning to the Workplace

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Dealing with reduced room capacities due to distancing

Dealing with reduced room capacities due to distancing

From the course: Facilities Management: Returning to the Workplace

Dealing with reduced room capacities due to distancing

- Depending on where in the world your office space happens to be, one of the big things that you may have to contend with when it comes to physical space is increased distancing. Whether it's a regulatory requirement, a corporate mandate, or it's just needed to facilitate people coming back to the office, this has been a very real condition in offices that have remained open or offices that have already opened. I'll use a client of mine as an example. Because their business was deemed essential, their office remained open to a limited staff. But things could not remain the status quo. So in order to keep people safe and meet social distancing requirements, the capacity of all the rooms had to be changed and posted. Conference rooms that could have easily held six people pre pandemic had to be relabeled for a maximum capacity of two or three people. The training room that I regularly used could no longer hold 35 people.…
