Dans le cours : Executive Presence on Video Conference Calls

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Lighting is the key

Lighting is the key

- Have you ever heard of the golden hour? It's the time of day photographers love to photograph, because it casts the best and most flattering light. It's usually during sunrise or sunset. Though your videoconferencing most likely won't be during this golden hour outside, the point is lighting is very important in making you look good on camera. There are several things you can do at home, though, to make sure your lighting is set up so you look your best. Make sure to position your camera so you're facing the light. The best lighting is natural lighting, so if you can set yourself up so you're facing a window, it will enhance your look by tenfold. But make sure the sun isn't directly in your eye either, because it will cast a strange shadow across your face. So if the sun is shining into the room, a great way to still get the natural effect is to lower the blinds. But open it slightly if possible so it can still retain the glow without the harsh sunlight. But on the flip side, make…

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