From the course: Excel: PivotTables in Depth

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Use PivotTable data in a formula

Use PivotTable data in a formula

From the course: Excel: PivotTables in Depth

Use PivotTable data in a formula

- [Instructor] When you create a formula, it's usually a good idea to draw the formula's values from the original data source. That way if the source changes, the formula's result will update the next time Excel recalculates your worksheet. But what do you do if your pivot table contains data drawn from an outside source and you can't connect to the original tables? In that case, you can refer to a cell within the pivot table using a get pivot data function. In this movie, I will use sample file 0205 get pivot to show you how to use the get pivot data function to bring data out from a pivot table and into the rest of your worksheet. On the sheet-1 worksheet of this workbook, I have a pivot table that summarizes sales by employee title and also by customer type. And then in columns F and G, I have labels asking about the total of all sales for sales associate five, and then just the basic sales associate, and their business total. So let's start by clicking on cell F-5 and we'll look…
