From the course: Excel: Business Process Analysis

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Calculate process utilization

Calculate process utilization

- [Instructor] Calculating the utilization of a single resource provides useful insights into your process. The next step of that analysis is to identify the utilization level for the process as a whole. In this movie, I will show you how to do that. My sample file is the Process Utilization Workbook, and you can find it in the Chapter Two folder of the Exercise Files Collection. The utilization of a process is the ratio of its flow rate, to the overall process capacity. I've done a fair number of preliminary calculations that I've covered elsewhere in this course. I have a six resource process, and in row five you'll see that we have the processing time for each of the resources. Then I calculate my capacity per minute. And I can do that directly, because my processing time for each resource is expressed in minutes. And I just divide one by the time to get my capacity per minute. So for resource number one which takes five minutes, I see that the capacity per minute is .2. For…
