From the course: Essential Power BI (Beta)

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Sort by another column for display

Sort by another column for display - Power BI Desktop Tutorial

From the course: Essential Power BI (Beta)

Sort by another column for display

- [Instructor] In Power BI, by default, text-type fields are sorted alphabetically, which makes sense in most cases, but in some cases, that order doesn't correspond to the meaning of the column. It doesn't make sense, for example, to sort the name of the months alphabetically. In this example, we have a report with the analysis of sales depending on the size of the products. Right now, they're sorted by the value of the amount. Let's see what happens if we sort by the text in the size column for a chart. Go to the three points, and in More options, sort by size. And if we're in the table from the header, we click on Size, and we're sorting over here. The result is medium, low, high. If we change the direction of the order, high, low, medium, which does not make sense for it to be ordered correctly. According to logic, we select the column, in this case, size. We're going to Column Tools, and here we have a group that's called Sort. We expand and we have, a sort size column is a…
