From the course: Essential Power BI (Beta)

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Load a query to the tabular model in Power Query

Load a query to the tabular model in Power Query - Power BI Desktop Tutorial

From the course: Essential Power BI (Beta)

Load a query to the tabular model in Power Query

During the process of creating queries with Power BI we can find temporary queries, which are those that connect directly to the data sources and are therefore essential in the definition of the model. directly to the data sources and, therefore, are essential in the definition of the model. But they are not the definitive queries. In the first example we have two queries with the original customer data and its sectors. of the customer and its sectors. These two queries were combined in the customer query. The query customers has all the columns of customers and sectors, and this is the query that we are going to load into the model. we are going to load in the model. Therefore, we enable its loading. In the second group we have the queries with the sales data in January, February and March. These three queries have been combined by rows with the the Append option into a single query with all rows. And it is this query that we are going to load to the data model and therefore we are…
