From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Starting Enscape from Revit

Starting Enscape from Revit

- [Instructor] To start Enscape, you first need to be inside of a Revit project. Once you're inside of your project, you can go to the Enscape tab on the ribbon, then move over here to the left-hand side and select on start. It'll do something called preparing resources, and then mention that it's starting Enscape. It's even possible that you may end up getting a warning message saying that your video card is not supported. If you do get that message, just click through that and see if Enscape starts anyway. Oftentimes what happens is, is that the latest and greatest video cards, or even a video card that's only six months old, Enscape may think that it's outdated or it just doesn't recognize it. That doesn't mean that Enscape won't work. It just means that it doesn't recognize it. So it's giving you a warning message saying, this wasn't a video card when the software was created. So for the most part you can ignore it.…
