From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Input tab

Input tab

- [Instructor] A variety of human-input settings can be found under the Enscape tab, in general settings. And since they're input, we need to select on input. The first thing that we can change is mouse speed. Now that's how fast you can actually move your mouse inside of the Enscape environment. Next, there's mouse smoothing. Mouse smoothing means that if you are spinning around inside of the scene, looking around inside of the scene. Will that be a smooth experience? Movement speed. That's also what it sounds like. How fast you can actually move through the scene. And then there's movement smoothing, and that's how smooth your movements are as you're flying through your scene. Now what's important to know is that the reason why you may make adjustments to any of these things depends on the speed of your computer. If your computer happens to be slower then there's a very good chance you'll want to come in and…
