From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Field of view

Field of view

- [Instructor] Another setting that Enscape can control is your overall field of view. And those settings can be found underneath visual settings, the rendering tab, and then field of view. Now, this is very similar to picking a different kind of camera lens. Whereas if you click and hold down, notice how everything that's inside of your field of view in this case is just this narrow little 10 degree area from where you're standing at. Which means that you're really viewing just a very blown-up area, which is your field of view. On the other hand if you want to be able to see more, let's say like a wide angle shot, you can click on it, pull it over, and now you can see a very wide angle of the site from the spot that you're currently standing at. Now, where is a good spot for it? You know, typically I will either do a 90 or maybe a 60, and kind of go from there. Usually it's probably going to be a 60 for my field of…
