From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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- [Instructor] Exposure's the amount of light being let into the scene. And we can adjust exposure in Enscape by going to our Visual Settings. Then underneath the Rendering tab we can see here that there's options for Exposure and Auto Exposure. Two things to know about Auto Exposure. One is that I almost always leave it on because it usually gets you very close to the amount of life that you need to have inside of a scene. That being said, if you turn Auto Exposure off, notice how much light is now inside of the scene but by clicking gon the bar down here where it has Exposure, you can then manually change the overall Exposure so that it's either very dark or so bright that you can't even see inside of the scene. Now Exposure works really well particularly for either mid-day scenes or you may need to have the sun not cast quite as much light into the scene. And you decide to make that change through your Exposure…
