From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Design options

Design options

- [Instructor] Another nice option about using Enscape and Revit is the ability to use what's called design options. For example, you could have a choice between two or three different couches, or you could have a choice between different room arrangements. For a rather simple way of showing how we can go about this process, what I'm going to do is create some design options inside of Revit, and then we'll see those update inside of Enscape. So here with Revit, I'm going to go ahead and expand out my Revit screen, and what I want to do is actually create design options, and there's a button down at the bottom of the screen toward the middle of Revit that's design options. If I click, here I can see that the kitchen already has some design options available for it, but what I want to do is create a furniture layout design option for the living room, and it'll just be moving the sofa around. So what we need to do is…
