From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Depth of field

Depth of field

- [Instructor] Except in rare circumstances, I very rarely use depth of field which allows you to see things which are, I usually say up close, more clearly than things which are in the distance. But every once in a while it makes sense to use your depth of field settings. So underneath your settings in Visual Settings, under the Rendering tab we can see that Depth of Field is one of our options. If I slowly move the Depth of Field over, notice the objects out here in the distance. While some of the stuff up close is getting a little blurry, it's not nearly as blurry as the stuff that's over here. Also you notice that the tree isn't blurry at all and neither is the person. Why? Because they're closer to where you're currently standing at, and as you adjust the depth, which is how far back, things start to get blurry even up close as you adjust that depth of field. Now only the things which are the absolute closest to…
