From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Creating views

Creating views

- [Instructor] One of the nice things about Enscape is that it allows you to create views inside of Revit of some of your favorite Enscape scenes. What I like to do is come here to the Enscape part of the ribbon and then point to the fact that there is a create view button. Now before I create the view, what I want to do is create a view of whatever it is that I have here inside of Enscape. So what I plan on doing is just zooming in, moving around and while your Enscape may have started in a slightly different spot, just move around until you get a view that you like of your building and maybe some of the entourage that happens to be available here inside of the project. All I'm doing now is I'm just either left clicking or right clicking or I'm using the various commands that we have here for looking around, orbiting, until I get to a view that I want to be able to save inside of my Revit environment. In this case…
