From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Batch rendering

Batch rendering

- [Instructor] Enscape also allows you to render multiple scenes simultaneously. To render multiple scenes, underneath the Enscape tab, there's an option here called Render Image. Well, if you click where it has the words for Render Image, you'll notice that there's an option down below it for Batch Rendering. But right now Batch Rendering is grayed out, and the reason why it's grayed out is that for the active document, if you click here and then expand out anything that may show up here. In my case, I'm going to expand out this 01_06_Asset. It's possible that if you just opened up the file 02_04 and haven't been doing any work that all you'd see is just the views, and you wouldn't need to expand out anything at this point. That being said, though, is that from here if I wanted to render the view from the sidewalk, I could mark that as a favorite. If I wanted to render the kitchen, the dining room, a view of the alley, or…
