From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Adjusting saturation

Adjusting saturation

- [Instructor] Saturation of color can also be affected by the settings in Enscape. Underneath your visual settings, under the image tab we have three different options related to, what I'll say is related to, saturation. And that's saturation, color temperature and your ambient brightness. For the saturation, usually it's going to be set at 100%, and you'll just leave it at that. That being said, you can increase the saturation of color by moving this bar over to the right-hand side. Or you can decrease the saturation of color by moving it to the left. By moving it to the left you can produce grayscale images. Usually though, I do leave it at 100%. For color temperature, by moving it over toward the left-hand side, notice how we start to get a little bit more reds involved. This gives us a warmer feel to the scene. By moving it over to the right-hand side, it starts to throw more blues into the scene. This gives us a…
