From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Adjusting materials, part 2

Adjusting materials, part 2

- [Instructor] Unlike a system family where it's usually very easy to change the material of that object, sometimes changing the materials of what's called a component family in Revit, and that could be a wide variety of things from tables to sinks to chairs to sofas, can be a little bit more difficult. But this is the process that I like to use in order to change those materials. Currently over on the left-hand side we can see a rendering, of course done by Enscape, of the inside of the living room area which happens to have a sofa in it. It looks a little bit rough but we can see what the colors are of each of those materials. Right now inside of the Revit environment we can't really see what those materials are. So what I'd like to do is move my mouse down here to the visual styles button, click on this button, and then turn it on to a Shaded mode. Now I could do Realistic, but Shaded, that should give me some decent…
