From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Adjusting materials, part 1

Adjusting materials, part 1

- [Instructor] Since any change that you make inside of the Revit environment shows up inside of the Enscape environment, that means if you change a material inside of Revit, that material will change inside of Enscape. As an example, if you just come over here to your Revit, click inside of the drawing area, and then just spin your mouse, you can zoom in to the building on the far left. I'm going to do the same thing here on Enscape. And then zoom in to this building just by spinning the wheel on my mouse. If you need to pan up or down like this, you can just hold that wheel down on your mouse, and then move from side to side until you can see the front of the building. Notice how in Enscape how we have multiple colors associated with the brick, well if we come back into Revit, select on the wall, there's a button here called Edit Type underneath your Properties. After clicking on Edit Type, next to the word Structure,…
